Organics and ethical trade are key contributor to sustaining Pacific cultures and communities and improving farmer livelihoods, people’s health and the environment.

The Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) is a membership-based initiative that works throughout the Pacific with agricultural communities to develop their training, capacity and tools to use and promote organic agricultural practices. POETCom works closely with both farmers and consumers to show the high value of organics in the region through coordination, information sharing, networking, capacity building and the establishment of a regional organic certification scheme.

POETCom encourages all members of the Pacific organic community to:

  • Develop and distribute awareness and policy statements on organics, climate change, food and nutritional security and adapted agro-biodiversity.
  • Encourage farming families to look at healthy organic alternatives and practices and where appropriate become members of the organic movement through POETCom.
  • Advocate for organics and make political and community leaders aware of the work of POETCom and its members.
  • Conduct organic training and distribute materials to aid the use of organic technologies and climate resilient planting material that can be used by agricultural extension programs.
  • Help farmers to apply the Pacific Organic Standards, and where appropriate, become part of a Participatory Guarantee system or gain third party certification.
  • Promote the Organic Pasifika mark and develop value chain and paths to markets for Pacific produce.
  • Inform members and relevant regional and international bodies of progress in the Pacific organic movement.
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas, produce and processes between POETCom members, groups and participating countries.